4 out of 7
If at least 4 (or more) of these 7 criteria match your concrete requirements
we are the right partner for your project:

Premium material: difficult to machine and expensive superalloy like titanium, wolfram or nickel base alloy or high-tensile steel, but also carbon fiber, ceramics, special synthetic material etc.

Sophisticated mid-sized geometries: Complex, prone to warp, mostly thin-walled components or details with high degree of machining, mostly with free-form surface.

Narrow tolerances: if the standard requirements of +-50µm are not enough and higher accuracies regarding distance, shape, position and surface in all three axes are necessary.

Best surfaces: up to Ra 0,2µm or Rzmax of 2µm on free-form surfaces, also with difficult material. Milled surfaces nearly sanded.

Pressure of time
The usual pressure of time: Starting a project at short notice and quick execution – you need somebody who can start immediately and can give you feedback regarding reasonable optimizations for better results.

Quantity: For your project you need small to mid-sized quantities of your material. And if it starts with a cast or 3D printing material the first version should already be a good part.

QM Documentation
Quality assurance conforming to standards: measurement of ruled geometry, free-form shapes and surfaces compliant to drawings. Traceability of material and work sequences. First sampling, FAI according to DIN/EN9102.
5AXperformance GmbH
Wildmoos 4
82266 Inning
5AXperformance GmbH is represented by the authorized managing directors:
Dr. Christian Wilkening
Andreas Daunderer
Register jurisdiction: Amtsgericht München
Commercial Register
Registration number: HRB 171275
Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer (VAT identification number) according to § 27a of the Umsatzsteuergesetz (UStG, Sales Tax Law): DE257515553